Basic whip tutorials for sport cracking and scene play

Here’s a list of the most instructional whip cracking tutorials I found. Not all the cracks are applicable to BDSM/kink scenes, but some of the flicks are quite useful for wraps and targeting.

Wraps (Demonstration-only, not instructional)

Robbie Amper of Whip-Basics using cattleman’s crack and sidearm flicks for wraps.

Adam Winrich uses the forward vertical and sidearm flicks for doing his wraps and targeting.

Alexander Jacob of Cobra Whips using the sidearm flick, forward vertical and underhand flicks for body wraps

Cattleman’s/Circus/Gypsy crack

Reverse cattleman’s crack

Highwayman/Coachman’s crack

Overhead crack

Reverse overhead crack

Forward flick

Forward vertical

Underhand flick

Sidearm flick

Singapore Learn And Play (SLAP!) is a non-profit group that delivers quality learning experiences for the Singapore BDSM community.

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About RobinDoood

RobinDoood has been active in the Singapore BDSM community for the last five years, although he has been exploring kink privately for the last decade in Australia and the U.S. He enjoys community building, and likes to build safe, collegial spaces for participants to learn and share their experiences and skills with each other. He feels that there is such a wealth of knowledge, experience and viewpoints floating around in the community, and seeks to facilitate the sharing of the knowledge. While he currently identifies as a switch, RobinDoood started out as a submissive bottom. He has been actively exploring his top side over the recent years and is enjoying the process of learning and discovery. RobinDoood is one of the founding members of Singapore Learn and Play (SLAP!), a non-profit organisation that strives to provide quality and affordable BDSM education for the community, where he leads discussions, presents skill-shares and writes for SLAP!. He is always interested in hearing about new ideas/formats/mediums for BDSM education.

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